Hi Peter,
Thanks a lot for the reply. Please find 'ceph osd df' output here -

# ceph osd df
 2 0.04399  1.00000 46056M 35576k 46021M  0.08 0.00   0
 1 0.04399  1.00000 46056M 40148k 46017M  0.09 0.00 384
 0 0.04399  1.00000 46056M 43851M  2205M 95.21 2.99 192
 0 0.04399  1.00000 46056M 43851M  2205M 95.21 2.99 192
 1 0.04399  1.00000 46056M 40148k 46017M  0.09 0.00 384
 2 0.04399  1.00000 46056M 35576k 46021M  0.08 0.00   0
              TOTAL   134G 43925M 94244M 31.79
MIN/MAX VAR: 0.00/2.99  STDDEV: 44.85

I setup this cluster by manipulating CRUSH map using CLI. I had a default
before but it gave me an impression that since every rack is under a single
root bucket its marking entire cluster down in case one of the osd is 95%
full. So I
removed root bucket but that still did not help me. No crush rule is
to root bucket in the above mentioned case.

Yes, I added one osd under two racks by linking host bucket from one rack
to another
using following command -

"osd crush link <name> <args> [<args>...] :  link existing entry for <name>
under location <args>"

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 1:40 PM, Peter Maloney <
peter.malo...@brockmann-consult.de> wrote:

> I think a `ceph osd df` would be useful.
> And how did you set up such a cluster? I don't see a root, and you have
> each osd in there more than once...is that even possible?
> On 08/10/17 08:46, Mandar Naik wrote:
> * Hi, I am evaluating ceph cluster for a solution where ceph could be used
> for provisioning pools which could be either stored local to a node or
> replicated across a cluster.  This way ceph could be used as single point
> of solution for writing both local as well as replicated data. Local
> storage helps avoid possible storage cost that comes with replication
> factor of more than one and also provide availability as long as the data
> host is alive.   So I tried an experiment with Ceph cluster where there is
> one crush rule which replicates data across nodes and other one only points
> to a crush bucket that has local ceph osd. Cluster configuration is pasted
> below. Here I observed that if one of the disk is full (95%) entire cluster
> goes into error state and stops accepting new writes from/to other nodes.
> So ceph cluster became unusable even though it’s only 32% full. The writes
> are blocked even for pools which are not touching the full osd. I have
> tried playing around crush hierarchy but it did not help. So is it possible
> to store data in the above manner with Ceph ? If yes could we get cluster
> state in usable state after one of the node is full ? # ceph df GLOBAL:
>    SIZE     AVAIL      RAW USED     %RAW USED    134G     94247M
>       43922M         31.79 # ceph –s    cluster
> ba658a02-757d-4e3c-7fb3-dc4bf944322f     health HEALTH_ERR            1
> full osd(s)            full,sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds flag(s) set
>     monmap e3: 3 mons at
> {ip-10-0-9-122=,ip-10-0-9-146=,ip-10-0-9-210=
> <,ip-10-0-9-146=,ip-10-0-9-210=>}
>            election epoch 14, quorum 0,1,2
> ip-10-0-9-122,ip-10-0-9-146,ip-10-0-9-210     osdmap e93: 3 osds: 3 up, 3
> in            flags full,sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds      pgmap v630:
> 384 pgs, 6 pools, 43772 MB data, 18640 objects            43922 MB used,
> 94247 MB / 134 GB avail                 384 active+clean # ceph osd tree ID
> 0.04399 rack ip-10-0-9-146-rack -8 0.04399     host ip-10-0-9-146 2 0.04399
>         osd.2                up  1.00000          1.00000 -7 0.04399 rack
> ip-10-0-9-210-rack -6 0.04399     host ip-10-0-9-210 1 0.04399
>         osd.1                up  1.00000          1.00000 -5 0.04399 rack
> ip-10-0-9-122-rack -3 0.04399     host ip-10-0-9-122 0 0.04399
>         osd.0                up  1.00000          1.00000 -4 0.13197 rack
> rep-rack -3 0.04399     host ip-10-0-9-122 0 0.04399         osd.0
>                up  1.00000          1.00000 -6 0.04399     host
> ip-10-0-9-210 1 0.04399         osd.1                up  1.00000
>          1.00000 -8 0.04399     host ip-10-0-9-146 2 0.04399         osd.2
>                up  1.00000          1.00000 # ceph osd crush rule list [
>    "rep_ruleset",    "ip-10-0-9-122_ruleset",    "ip-10-0-9-210_ruleset",
>    "ip-10-0-9-146_ruleset" ] # ceph osd crush rule dump rep_ruleset {
>    "rule_id": 0,    "rule_name": "rep_ruleset",    "ruleset": 0,    "type":
> 1,    "min_size": 1,    "max_size": 10,    "steps": [        {
>            "op": "take",            "item": -4,            "item_name":
> "rep-rack"        },        {            "op": "chooseleaf_firstn",
>            "num": 0,            "type": "host"        },        {
>            "op": "emit"        }    ] } # ceph osd crush rule dump
> ip-10-0-9-122_ruleset {    "rule_id": 1,    "rule_name":
> "ip-10-0-9-122_ruleset",    "ruleset": 1,    "type": 1,    "min_size": 1,
>    "max_size": 10,    "steps": [        {            "op": "take",
>            "item": -5,            "item_name": "ip-10-0-9-122-rack"
>        },        {            "op": "chooseleaf_firstn",            "num":
> 0,            "type": "host"        },        {            "op": "emit"
>        }    ] } *
> --
> Thanks,
> Mandar Naik.
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> --
> --------------------------------------------
> Peter Maloney
> Brockmann Consult
> Max-Planck-Str. 2
> 21502 Geesthacht
> Germany
> Tel: +49 4152 889 300
> Fax: +49 4152 889 333
> E-mail: peter.malo...@brockmann-consult.de
> Internet: http://www.brockmann-consult.de
> --------------------------------------------

Mandar Naik.
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