I’m coming at this with not a lot of ceph experience but some enthusiasm so 
forgive me if this is an inappropriate question but is there any reason why 
it’s not possible, in theory, to setup bluestore using ramdisk?

 In my application I can afford to risk losing all data on system 
failure/reboot/whatever,  but I’m looking at trying to optimise performance.  
If it is possible what would be the best way to do this? The ceph-disk prepare 
—bluestore works really well on standard spinning drives but fails with 
/dev/ram* devices at the stage where partitions are created.  Is this a 
non-starter or should I pursue further and dig on down in the documentation?  
I’m using rhel 7 btw which come with sgdisk  0.8.6 and parted 3.1



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