On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 5:41 AM Dan van der Ster <d...@vanderster.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Occasionally we want to change the scrub schedule for a pool or whole
> cluster, but we want to do this by injecting new settings without
> restarting every daemon.
> I've noticed that in jewel, changes to scrub_min/max_interval and
> deep_scrub_interval do not take immediate effect, presumably because
> the scrub schedules are calculated in advance for all the PGs on an
> OSD.
> Does anyone know how to list that scrub schedule for a given OSD?

I'm not aware of any "scrub schedule" as such, just the constraints around
when new scrubbing happens. What exactly were you doing previously that
isn't working now?

> And better yet, does anyone know a way to reset that schedule, so that
> the OSD generates a new one with the new configuration?
> (I've noticed that by chance setting sortbitwise triggers many scrubs
> -- maybe a new peering interval resets the scrub schedules?) Any
> non-destructive way to trigger a new peering interval on demand?
> Cheers,
> Dan
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