Hi Mark & List,

Unfortunately, even when using yesterdays master version of ceph,
I'm still seeing OSDs go down, same error as before:

OSD log shows lots of entries like this:

2017-06-07 16:48:46.070564 7f90b58c3700  1 heartbeat_map is_healthy
'tp_osd_tp thread tp_osd_tp' had timed out after 60

2017-06-07 17:01:25.391075 7f62de6c3700  1 heartbeat_map is_healthy
'tp_osd_tp thread tp_osd_tp' had timed out after 60
2017-06-07 17:01:26.276881 7f62dbe86700 -1 osd.3 6165 heartbeat_check:
no reply from osd.2 since back 2017-06-07 17:00:19.640002
front 2017-06-07 17:01:21.950160 (cutoff 2017-06-07 17:01:06.276881)

[root@ceph4 ceph]# ceph -v
ceph version 12.0.2-2399-ge38ca14
(e38ca14914340d65ea8001c7bd6e0ff769f3eb2e) luminous (dev)

I'll continue running the cluster with my "restart_OSD_and_log-this.sh"

thanks again for your help,


On 06/06/17 15:52, Jake Grimmett wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> OK, I'll upgrade to the current master and retest...
> best,
> Jake
> On 06/06/17 15:46, Mark Nelson wrote:
>> Hi Jake,
>> I just happened to notice this was on 12.0.3.  Would it be possible to
>> test this out with current master and see if it still is a problem?
>> Mark
>> On 06/06/2017 09:10 AM, Mark Nelson wrote:
>>> Hi Jake,
>>> Thanks much.  I'm guessing at this point this is probably a bug.  Would
>>> you (or nokiauser) mind creating a bug in the tracker with a short
>>> description of what's going on and the collectl sample showing this is
>>> not IOs backing up on the disk?
>>> If you want to try it, we have a gdb based wallclock profiler that might
>>> be interesting to run while it's in the process of timing out.  It tries
>>> to grab 2000 samples from the osd process which typically takes about 10
>>> minutes or so.  You'll need to either change the number of samples to be
>>> lower in the python code (maybe like 50-100), or change the timeout to
>>> be something longer.
>>> You can find the code here:
>>> https://github.com/markhpc/gdbprof
>>> and invoke it like:
>>> udo gdb -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'attach 27962' -ex 'source
>>> ./gdbprof.py' -ex 'profile begin' -ex 'quit'
>>> where 27962 in this case is the PID of the ceph-osd process.  You'll
>>> need gdb with the python bindings and the ceph debug symbols for it to
>>> work.
>>> This might tell us over time if the tp_osd_tp processes are just sitting
>>> on pg::locks.
>>> Mark
>>> On 06/06/2017 05:34 AM, Jake Grimmett wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> Thanks again for looking into this problem.
>>>> I ran the cluster overnight, with a script checking for dead OSDs every
>>>> second, and restarting them.
>>>> 40 OSD failures occurred in 12 hours, some OSDs failed multiple times,
>>>> (there are 50 OSDs in the EC tier).
>>>> Unfortunately, the output of collectl doesn't appear to show any
>>>> increase in disk queue depth and service times before the OSDs die.
>>>> I've put a couple of examples of collectl output for the disks
>>>> associated with the OSDs here:
>>>> https://hastebin.com/icuvotemot.scala
>>>> please let me know if you need more info...
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Jake
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