On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:04 PM, Sean Purdy <s.pu...@cv-library.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first ceph installation.  It seems to tick our boxes.  Will be
> using it as an object store with radosgw.
> I notice that ceph-mon uses zookeeper behind the scenes.  Is there a way to
> point ceph-mon at an existing zookeeper cluster, using a zookeeper chroot?

ceph-mon uses a home-grown implementation of a consensus algorithm
(paxos) -- it is not based on zookeeper.

> Alternatively, might ceph-mon coexist peacefully with a different zookeeper
> already on the same machine?

Absolutely, there's nothing stopping you from running zookeeper and
the mons on the same nodes.  Just make sure they don't clobber each
other when very busy (perhaps consider giving them separate drives).


> Thanks,
> Sean Purdy
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