Thanks for the update. In the ops dump provided, the objecter is
saying that OSD 46 hasn't responded to the deletion request of object

Perhaps run "ceph daemon osd.46 dump_ops_in_flight" or "...
dump_historic_ops" to see if that op is in the list? You can also run
"ceph osd map <pool name> rbd_data.e10ca56b8b4567.000000000000311c" to
verify that OSD 46 is the primary PG for that object.

On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
<> wrote:
> Hello Jason,
> i'm happy to tell you that i've currently one VM where i can reproduce
> the problem.
>> The best option would be to run "gcore" against the running VM whose
>> IO is stuck, compress the dump, and use the "ceph-post-file" to
>> provide the dump. I could then look at all the Ceph data structures to
>> hopefully find the issue.
> I've saved the dump but it will contain sensitive informations. I won't
> upload it to a public server. I'll send you an private email with a
> private server to download the core dump. Thanks!
>> Enabling debug logs after the IO has stuck will most likely be of
>> little value since it won't include the details of which IOs are
>> outstanding. You could attempt to use "ceph --admin-daemon
>> /path/to/stuck/vm/asok objecter_requests" to see if any IOs are just
>> stuck waiting on an OSD to respond.
> This is the output:
> # ceph --admin-daemon
> /var/run/ceph/ceph-client.admin.5295.140214539927552.asok objecter_requests
> {
>     "ops": [
>         {
>             "tid": 384632,
>             "pg": "5.bd9616ad",
>             "osd": 46,
>             "object_id": "rbd_data.e10ca56b8b4567.000000000000311c",
>             "object_locator": "@5",
>             "target_object_id": "rbd_data.e10ca56b8b4567.000000000000311c",
>             "target_object_locator": "@5",
>             "paused": 0,
>             "used_replica": 0,
>             "precalc_pgid": 0,
>             "last_sent": "2.28554e+06s",
>             "attempts": 1,
>             "snapid": "head",
>             "snap_context": "a07c2=[]",
>             "mtime": "2017-05-16 21:03:22.0.196102s",
>             "osd_ops": [
>                 "delete"
>             ]
>         }
>     ],
>     "linger_ops": [
>         {
>             "linger_id": 1,
>             "pg": "5.5f3bd635",
>             "osd": 17,
>             "object_id": "rbd_header.e10ca56b8b4567",
>             "object_locator": "@5",
>             "target_object_id": "rbd_header.e10ca56b8b4567",
>             "target_object_locator": "@5",
>             "paused": 0,
>             "used_replica": 0,
>             "precalc_pgid": 0,
>             "snapid": "head",
>             "registered": "1"
>         }
>     ],
>     "pool_ops": [],
>     "pool_stat_ops": [],
>     "statfs_ops": [],
>     "command_ops": []
> }
> Greets,
> Stefan
> Am 16.05.2017 um 15:44 schrieb Jason Dillaman:
>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 2:12 AM, Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG
>> <> wrote:
>>> 3.) it still happens on pre jewel images even when they got restarted /
>>> killed and reinitialized. In that case they've the asok socket available
>>> for now. Should i issue any command to the socket to get log out of the
>>> hanging vm? Qemu is still responding just ceph / disk i/O gets stalled.
>> The best option would be to run "gcore" against the running VM whose
>> IO is stuck, compress the dump, and use the "ceph-post-file" to
>> provide the dump. I could then look at all the Ceph data structures to
>> hopefully find the issue.
>> Enabling debug logs after the IO has stuck will most likely be of
>> little value since it won't include the details of which IOs are
>> outstanding. You could attempt to use "ceph --admin-daemon
>> /path/to/stuck/vm/asok objecter_requests" to see if any IOs are just
>> stuck waiting on an OSD to respond.

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