I'm using fastcgi/apache2 instead of civetweb (centos7) because i couldn't
get civetweb to work with SSL on port 443 and in a subdomain of my main

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 1:51 PM Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub <yeh...@redhat.com>

> RGW has supported since forever. Originally it was the only supported
> frontend, and nowadays it is the least preferred one.
> Rgw was first developed over fastcgi + lighttpd, but there were some
> issues with this setup, so we switched to fastcgi + apache as our main
> supported configuration. This was also sub-optimal, as there wasn't a
> good, supported, and mainained fastcgi module for apache that we could
> find. At the time there were two modules: mod_fcgid, and mod_fastcgi.
> The former had a major flaw, which it buffered all PUTs before sending
> them to the backend (rgw). It also didn't really support 100-continue.
> The latter was mostly unmaintained, and didn't quite support
> 100-continue either. We ended up maintaining a fork of mod_fastcgi for
> quite a while, which was a pain. Later came mod-proxy-fcgi, which also
> didn't fully support 100-continue (iirc), but it was maintained, and
> was good enough to use out of the box, so we settled on it. At that
> time we already had civetweb as a frontend, so we didn't really worry
> about it.
> Now, I'd like to know whether anyone actually uses and needs fastcgi.
> I get an occasional request to remove it altogether, and I'd like to
> have some more info before we go and do it. The requests for removal
> usually cite security reasons, but I can also add 'we don't really
> want to maintain it anymore'.
> A valid replacement for fastcgi could be using civetweb directly, or
> using mod-proxy (in apache, I'd expect similar solution in other
> webservers) with civetweb as the rgw frontend.
> TL;DR: Does anyone care if we remove support for fastcgi in rgw?
> Yehuda
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