I have faced the same problem many times. Usually it doesn't cause anything
bad, but I had a 30 min system outage twice because of this.
It might be because of the number of inodes on your ceph filesystem. Go to
the MDS server and do (supposing your mds server id is intcfs-osd1):

 ceph daemon mds.intcfs-osd1 perf dump mds

look for the inodes_max and inodes informations.
inode_max is the maximum inodes to cache and inodes is the current number
of inodes currently in the cache.

if it is full, mount the cephfs with the "-o dirstat" option, and cat the
mountpoint, for example:

 mount -t ceph /mnt -o
 cat /mnt

look for the rentries number. if it is larger than the inode_max, rise
the mds cache size option in ceph.conf to a number that fits and restart
the mds (beware: this will cause cephfs to stall for a while. do at your
own risk).


Webert Lima
DevOps Engineer at MAV Tecnologia
*Belo Horizonte - Brasil*

On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 3:28 AM, gjprabu <gjpr...@zohocorp.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
>           We are running cephfs with 5 OSD and 3 Mon and 1 MDS. There is
> Heath Warn "*failing to respond to cache pressure*" . Kindly advise to
> fix this issue.
> cluster b466e09c-f7ae-4e89-99a7-99d30eba0a13
>      health HEALTH_WARN
>             mds0: Client integ-hm8-1.csez.zohocorpin.com failing to
> respond to cache pressure
>             mds0: Client integ-hm5 failing to respond to cache pressure
>             mds0: Client integ-hm9 failing to respond to cache pressure
>             mds0: Client integ-hm2 failing to respond to cache pressure
>      monmap e2: 3 mons at {intcfs-mon1=
> 789/0,intcfs-mon2=,intcfs-mon3=
> }
>             election epoch 16, quorum 0,1,2 intcfs-mon3,intcfs-mon1,intcfs
> -mon2
>       fsmap e79409: 1/1/1 up {0=intcfs-osd1=up:active}, 1 up:standby
>      osdmap e3343: 5 osds: 5 up, 5 in
>             flags sortbitwise
>       pgmap v13065759: 564 pgs, 3 pools, 5691 GB data, 12134 kobjects
>             11567 GB used, 5145 GB / 16713 GB avail
>                  562 active+clean
>                    2 active+clean+scrubbing+deep
>   client io 8090 kB/s rd, 29032 kB/s wr, 25 op/s rd, 129 op/s wr
> Regards
> Prabu GJ
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