It really depends on type of power failure ...

Normal poweroff of the cluster is fine ... I've been managing large cluster and we were forced to do total poweroff twice a year. It was working fine: we just safely unmounted all clients, then set noout flag and powered machines down.

Powercut (hard shutdown) can be a big problem and I would expected problems here.


On 04-22 05:04, Santu Roy wrote:

I am very new to Ceph. Studding for few days for a deployment of Ceph
cluster. I am going to deploy ceph in a small data center where power
failure is a big problem. we have single power supply, Single ups and a
stand by generator. so what happend if all node down due to power failure?
will it create any problem to restart service when power restore?

looking for your suggestion..


*Regards*Santu Roy

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