On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Fabian <c...@bufa.info> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I play a bit around with ceph on a test cluster with 3 servers (each MON
> and OSD at the same time).
> I use some self written ansible rules to deploy the config and crate
> the OSD with ceph-disk. Because ceph-disk use the next free OSD-ID, my
> ansible scrip is not aware which ID belongs to which OSD and host. So I
> don't create any [OSD.ID] section in my config and my cluster runs
> fine.
> Now I have read in [1] "the Ceph configuration file MUST specify the
> host for each daemon". As I consider each OSD as daemon, I'm a bit
> confused that it worked without the host specified.
> Why do the OSD daemon need the host option? What happened if it doesn't
> exist?

I think this statement just an inaccurate leftover from the days of
ceph-init when you used a monolithic ceph.conf file and the startup
scripts parsed through that instead of looking for
appropriately-tagged directories/disks. :/
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