Hello Orit,

Could it be that something has changed in 10.2.5+ which is related to reading the endpoints from the zone/period config?

In my master zone I have specified the endpoint with a trailing backslash (which is also escaped), however I do not define the secondary endpoint this way. Am I hitting a bug here?

Kind regards,

Ben Morrice

Ben Morrice | e: ben.morr...@epfl.ch | t: +41-21-693-9670
Biotech Campus
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Geneva

On 21/04/17 09:36, Ben Morrice wrote:
Hello Orit,

Please find attached the output from the radosgw commands and the relevant section from ceph.conf (radosgw)

bbp-gva-master is running 10.2.5

bbp-gva-secondary is running 10.2.7

Kind regards,

Ben Morrice

Ben Morrice | e: ben.morr...@epfl.ch | t: +41-21-693-9670
Biotech Campus
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Geneva

On 21/04/17 07:55, Orit Wasserman wrote:
Hi Ben,

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Ben Morrice <ben.morr...@epfl.ch> wrote:
Hi all,

I have tried upgrading one of our RGW servers from 10.2.5 to 10.2.7 (RHEL7) and authentication is in a very bad state. This installation is part of a multigw configuration, and I have just updated one host in the secondary
zone (all other hosts/zones are running 10.2.5).

On the 10.2.7 server I cannot authenticate as a user (normally backed by
OpenStack Keystone), but even worse I can also not authenticate with an
admin user.

Please see [1] for the results of performing a list bucket operation with
python boto (script works against rgw 10.2.5)

Also, if I try to authenticate from the 'master' rgw zone with a
"radosgw-admin sync status --rgw-zone=bbp-gva-master" I get:

"ERROR: failed to fetch datalog info"

"failed to retrieve sync info: (13) Permission denied"

The above errors correlates to the errors in the log on the server running
10.2.7 (debug level 20) at [2]

I'm not sure what I have done wrong or can try next?

By the way, downgrading the packages from 10.2.7 to 10.2.5 returns
authentication functionality
Can you provide the following info:
radosgw-admin period get
radsogw-admin zonegroup get
radsogw-admin zone get

Can you provide your ceph.conf?


boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden
<?xml version="1.0"

2017-04-20 16:43:04.916253 7ff87c6c0700 15 calculated
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916255 7ff87c6c0700 15
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916255 7ff87c6c0700 15 compare=34
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916266 7ff87c6c0700 10 failed to authorize request
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916268 7ff87c6c0700 20 handler->ERRORHANDLER:
err_no=-2027 new_err_no=-2027
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916329 7ff87c6c0700  2 req 354:0.052585:s3:GET
/admin/log:get_obj:op status=0
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916339 7ff87c6c0700  2 req 354:0.052595:s3:GET
/admin/log:get_obj:http status=403
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916343 7ff87c6c0700  1 ====== req done
req=0x7ff87c6ba710 op status=0 http_status=403 ======
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916350 7ff87c6c0700 20 process_request() returned -2027
2017-04-20 16:43:04.916390 7ff87c6c0700  1 civetweb: 0x7ff990015610: - - [20/Apr/2017:16:43:04 +0200] "GET /admin/log HTTP/1.1" 403 0
- -
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917212 7ff9777e6700 20
cr:s=0x7ff97000d420:op=0x7ff9703a5440:18RGWMetaSyncShardCR: operate()
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917223 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync:
incremental_sync:1544: shard_id=20
sync_marker.marker=1_1492686039.901886_5551978.1 period_marker=
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917227 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync:
incremental_sync:1551: shard_id=20 syncing mdlog for shard_id=20
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917236 7ff9777e6700 20
cr:s=0x7ff97000d420:op=0x7ff970066b80:24RGWCloneMetaLogCoroutine: operate()
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917238 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync: operate:
shard_id=20: init request
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917240 7ff9777e6700 20
cr:s=0x7ff97000d420:op=0x7ff970066b80:24RGWCloneMetaLogCoroutine: operate()
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917241 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync: operate:
shard_id=20: reading shard status
2017-04-20 16:43:04.917303 7ff9777e6700 20 run: stack=0x7ff97000d420 is io
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918285 7ff9777e6700 20
cr:s=0x7ff97000d420:op=0x7ff970066b80:24RGWCloneMetaLogCoroutine: operate()
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918295 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync: operate:
shard_id=20: reading shard status complete
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918307 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync: shard_id=20
marker=1_1492686039.901886_5551978.1 last_update=2017-04-20
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918316 7ff9777e6700 20
cr:s=0x7ff97000d420:op=0x7ff970066b80:24RGWCloneMetaLogCoroutine: operate()
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918317 7ff9777e6700 20 rgw meta sync: operate:
shard_id=20: sending rest request
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918381 7ff9777e6700 20 RGWEnv::set(): HTTP_DATE: Thu Apr
20 14:43:04 2017
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918390 7ff9777e6700 20 > HTTP_DATE -> Thu Apr 20
14:43:04 2017
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918404 7ff9777e6700 10 get_canon_resource():
2017-04-20 16:43:04.918406 7ff9777e6700 10 generated canonical header: GET

Kind regards,

Ben Morrice

Ben Morrice | e: ben.morr...@epfl.ch | t: +41-21-693-9670
Biotech Campus
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Geneva

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