Hi Maxime,

This is a very interesting concept. Instead of the primary affinity being used 
to choose SSD for primary copy, you set crush rule to first choose an osd in 
the ‘ssd-root’, then the ‘hdd-root’ for the second set.

And with 'step chooseleaf first {num}’
> If {num} > 0 && < pool-num-replicas, choose that many buckets. 
So 1 chooses that bucket
> If {num} < 0, it means pool-num-replicas - {num}
And -1 means it will fill remaining replicas on this bucket.

This is a very interesting concept, one I had not considered.
Really appreciate this feedback.



> On Apr 19, 2017, at 12:15 PM, Maxime Guyot <maxime.gu...@elits.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>> Assuming production level, we would keep a pretty close 1:2 SSD:HDD ratio,
>> 1:4-5 is common but depends on your needs and the devices in question, ie. 
>> assuming LFF drives and that you aren’t using crummy journals.
> You might be speaking about different ratios here. I think that Anthony is 
> speaking about journal/OSD and Reed speaking about capacity ratio between and 
> HDD and SSD tier/root. 
> I have been experimenting with hybrid setups (1 copy on SSD + 2 copies on 
> HDD), like Richard says you’ll get much better random read performance with 
> primary OSD on SSD but write performance won’t be amazing since you still 
> have 2 HDD copies to write before ACK. 
> I know the doc suggests using primary affinity but since it’s a OSD level 
> setting it does not play well with other storage tiers so I searched for 
> other options. From what I have tested, a rule that selects the first/primary 
> OSD from the ssd-root then the rest of the copies from the hdd-root works. 
> Though I am not sure it is *guaranteed* that the first OSD selected will be 
> primary.
> “rule hybrid {
>  ruleset 2
>  type replicated
>  min_size 1
>  max_size 10
>  step take ssd-root
>  step chooseleaf firstn 1 type host
>  step emit
>  step take hdd-root
>  step chooseleaf firstn -1 type host
>  step emit
> }”
> Cheers,
> Maxime

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