We've had a couple of puzzling experiences recently with unfound
objects, and I wonder if anyone can shed some light.

This happened with Hammer 0.94.7 on a cluster with 1,309 OSDs. Our use
case is exclusively RBD in this cluster, so it's naturally replicated.
The rbd pool size is 3, min_size is 2. The crush map is flat, so each
host is a failure domain. The OSD hosts are 4U Supermicro chassis with
32 OSDs each. Drive failures have caused the OSD count to be 1,309
instead of 1,312.

Twice in the last few weeks we've experienced issues where the cluster
was HEALTH_OK but was frequently getting some blocked requests. In each
of the two occurrences we investigated and discovered that the blocked
requests resulted from two drives in the same host that were
misbehaving (different set of 2 drives in each occurrence). We decided
to remove the misbehaving OSDs and let things backfill to see if that
would address the issue. Removing the drives resulted in a small number
of unfound objects, which was surprising. We were able to add the OSDs
back with 0 weight and recover the unfound objects in both cases, but
removing two OSDs from a single failure domain shouldn't have resulted
in unfound objects in an otherwise healthy cluster, correct?


[cid:image575d42.JPG@8ddd3310.40afc06a]<https://storagecraft.com>       Steve 
Taylor | Senior Software Engineer | StorageCraft Technology 
380 Data Drive Suite 300 | Draper | Utah | 84020
Office: 801.871.2799 |


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