On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 9:07 PM, Laszlo Budai <las...@componentsoft.eu> wrote:
> Hi Florian,
> thank you for your answer.
> We have already set the IO scheduler to cfq in order to be able to lower the
> priority of the scrub operations.
> My problem is that I've found different values set for the same parameter,
> and in each case they were doing it in order to achieve the same thing as we
> do.
> This is why I was asking for some more details about this parameter. Is the
> value 0 or 7 which will set the scrub to the lowest priority? I want my ceph
> cluster to be responsive for the client requests, and do the scrub in the
> background.
> I'm open to any ideas/suggestions which would help to improove the cluster's
> responsiveness during deep scrub operations.

I'm sorry, I may have worded that in a manner that's easy to
misunderstand. I generally *never* suggest that people use CFQ on
reasonably decent I/O hardware, and thus have never come across any
need to set this specific ceph.conf parameter.

Maybe if you share your full ceph.conf and hardware details, I or
others on this list can offer more useful suggestions than tweaking

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