On 01/30/2017 06:11 AM, Johann Schwarzmeier wrote:
Hello Wido,
That is not good news, but it's what i expected. Thanks for your qick
Am 2017-01-30 11:57, schrieb Wido den Hollander:
Op 30 januari 2017 om 10:29 schreef Johann Schwarzmeier
I’m quite new to ceph and radosgw. With the python API, I found calls
for writing objects via boto API. It’s also possible to add metadata’s
to our objects. But now I have a question: is it possible to select or
search objects via metadata? A little more in detail: I want to store
objects with metadata like color = blue, color red and so on. And the I
would select all object with color = blue. Sorry for a stupid question
but I’m not able to find an answer in the documentation.
The RADOS Gateway implements the S3 API from Amazon and doesn't allow
for this.
The whole design for Ceph is also that it's object-name based and you
can't query for xattr values nor names.
So what you are trying to achieve will not work.
Br Jonny
ceph-users mailing list
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You might be interested in the work Yehuda has done to integrate with
elasticsearch, which does allow you to search for user-specified
metadata. You can learn more about it here:
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