On Do, 2016-12-15 at 14:31 +0100, ulem...@polarzone.de wrote:
> Hi Björn,
> i think he use something like this: 
> http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Full_Mesh_Network_for_Ceph_Server

i looked into it. This was the first idea for a config i throw away.

Imagine you have 3 Systems. A,B,C

Your cable between B and C is faulty.
 for A: 
   everything is working.
 for B:
   Server A is up, Server C is down
 for C:
   Server A is up, Server B is down

What does your Cluster do? Where is your data. What happens now?

At the moment i think of a way ebtables preventing broadcast loops.
Testing it soon.

kind regards,
Björn Lässig

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