Sure, will try with "*ceph osd crush reweight 0.0" *and update the status.


On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 8:15 PM, David Turner <>

> If you want to reweight only once when you have a failed disk that is
> being balanced off of, set the crush weight for that osd to 0.0.  Then when
> you fully remove the disk from the cluster it will not do any additional
> backfilling.  Any change to the crush map will likely move data around,
> even if you're removing an already "removed" osd.
> ------------------------------
> <> David Turner | Cloud Operations Engineer | 
> StorageCraft
> Technology Corporation <>
> 380 Data Drive Suite 300 | Draper | Utah | 84020
> Office: 801.871.2760 <(801)%20871-2760> | Mobile: 385.224.2943
> <(385)%20224-2943>
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> ------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> *From:* M Ranga Swami Reddy []
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 01, 2016 11:45 PM
> *To:* David Turner
> *Cc:* ceph-users
> *Subject:* Re: [ceph-users] node and its OSDs down...
> Hi David - Yep, I did the "ceph osd crush remove osd.<id>", which started
> the recovery.
> My worries is - why Ceph is doing the recovery, if an OSD is already down
> and no more in the cluster. That means, ceph already maintained down OSDs
> objects copied to another OSDs.. here is the ceph osd tree o/p:
> ===
> 227     0.91                            osd.227 down    0
> ....
> 250     0.91                            osd.250 down    0
> ===
> So to avoid the recovery/rebalance , can I set the weight of OSD (which
> was in down state). But is this weight setting also lead to rebalance
> activity.
> Thanks
> Swami
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 8:07 PM, David Turner <
>> wrote:
>> I assume you also did ceph osd crush remove osd.<id>.  When you removed
>> the osd that was down/out and balanced off of, you changed the weight of
>> the host that it was on which triggers additional backfilling to balance
>> the crush map.
>> ------------------------------
>> <> David Turner | Cloud Operations Engineer | 
>> StorageCraft
>> Technology Corporation <>
>> 380 Data Drive Suite 300 | Draper | Utah | 84020
>> Office: 801.871.2760 <(801)%20871-2760> | Mobile: 385.224.2943
>> <(385)%20224-2943>
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>> erroneously, please notify the sender and delete it, together with any
>> attachments, and be advised that any dissemination or copying of this
>> message is prohibited.
>> ------------------------------
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* ceph-users [] on behalf of M
>> Ranga Swami Reddy []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 01, 2016 3:03 AM
>> *To:* ceph-users
>> *Subject:* [ceph-users] node and its OSDs down...
>> Hello,
>> One of my ceph node with 20 OSDs down...After a couple of hours,
>> ceph health is in OK state.
>> Now, I tried to remove those OSDs, which were down state from
>> ceph cluster...
>> using the "ceh osd remove osd.<id>"
>> then ceph clsuter started rebalancing...which is strange ..because
>> thsoe OSDs are down for a long time and health also OK..
>> my question - why recovery or reblance started when I remove the OSD
>> (which was down).
>> Thanks
>> Swami
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