I ran into an interesting issue last night when I tried to add a second
storage interface.  The original 10gb storage interface on the OSD node was
only set at 1500 MTU, so the plan was to bump it to 9000 and configure the
second interface the same way with a diff IP and reboot. Once I did that,
for some reason the original interface showed active but would not respond
to ping from the other OSD nodes, the second interface I added came up and
was reachable.  So even though the node could still communicate to the
others on the second interface, PG's would start remapping and would get
stuck at about 300 (of 1024).  I resolved the issue by changing the config
back on the original interface and disabling the second.  After a Reboot,
PG's recovered very quickly.

It seemed that the remapping would only go partially because the first node
could reach the others, but they couldn't reach the original interface and
didn't use the newly added second. So for my questions:

Is there a proper way to add an additional interface (for redundancy) to
the storage network so that it's recognized by the cluster?

If IPV6 is enabled on a storage interface when the cluster was created,
would it be a problem to disable it now?

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