On 11/28/16 10:02, Kevin Olbrich wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to deploy two nodes with 4 OSDs each. I already prepared OSDs
> and only need to activate them.
> What is better? One by one or all at once?
> Kind regards,
> Kevin.
I think the general statement is that if your cluster is very small, you
might want to do it more gradually. And if it's large, a whole node at
once might not cause any noticeable effect. And doing it all at once
will cause less overall data movement... move data once to its final place.

But either way, make sure you know about settings such as:

    ceph osd set noscrub
    ceph osd set nodeep-scrub

    # 1 makes recovery slow...raise it to where you can still tolerate
the load
    osd max backfills = 1

    osd recovery max active = 1
    osd recovery op priority = 1
    osd recover max single start = 1
    osd op threads = 12

    # you probably have this already (default)
    osd client op priority = 63

And if that's not enough, I found this one that worked better than the
rest (and for my 27 osd 3 node cluster, 0.6 here and 2 max active was
tolerable and faster than 1 max active and no setting here):
        osd recovery sleep = 0.6

and when you want to give it a rest due to some issues:
    ceph osd set nobackfill
    ceph osd set norecover

To use the config options at runtime, you can use a command like:
    ceph tell osd.* injectargs --osd-max-backfills=1

And I'm sure I missed some options and someone can mention them too.

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