Maybe a long shot, but have you checked OSD memory usage? Are the OSD
hosts low on RAM and swapping to disk? 

I am not familiar with your issue, but though that might cause it. 


On 2016-11-14 3:29 pm, Brad Hubbard wrote: 

> Have you looked for clues in the output of dump_historic_ops ? 
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 1:45 AM, Thomas Danan <> 
> wrote:
> Thanks Luis, 
> Here are some answers .... 
> Journals are not on SSD and collocated with OSD daemons host. 
> We look at the disk performances and did not notice anything wrong with 
> acceptable rw latency < 20ms. 
> No issue on the network as well from what we have seen. 
> There is only one pool in the cluster so pool size = cluster size. 
> Replication factor is default: 3 and there is no erasure coding. 
> We tried to stop deep scrub but without notable effect. 
> We have one near full OSD and adding new DN but I doubt this could be the 
> issue. 
> I doubt we are hitting cluster limits but if it was the case, then adding new 
> DN should help. Also writing to primary OSD is working fine whereas writing 
> on secondary OSD is often blocked. Last is recovery can be very fast (several 
> GB/s) and seems never blocked, where client RW IOs are about several hundred 
> MB /s and are too much often blocked when writing replicas. 
> Thomas 
> FROM: Luis Periquito [] 
> SENT: lundi 14 novembre 2016 16:23
> TO: Thomas Danan
> CC:
> SUBJECT: Re: [ceph-users] ceph cluster having blocke requests very frequently 
> Without knowing the cluster architecture it's hard to know exactly what may 
> be happening. 
> How is the cluster hardware? Where are the journals? How busy are the disks 
> (% time busy)? What is the pool size? Are these replicated or EC pools? 
> Have you tried tuning the deep-scrub processes? Have you tried stopping them 
> altogether? Are the journals on SSDs? As a first feeling the cluster may be 
> hitting it's limits (also you have at least one OSD getting full)... 
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Thomas Danan <> 
> wrote: 
> Hi All, 
> We have a cluster in production who is suffering from intermittent blocked 
> request (25 requests are blocked > 32 sec). The blocked request occurrences 
> are frequent and global to all OSDs. 
> From the OSD daemon logs, I can see related messages: 
> 16-11-11 18:25:29.917518 7fd28b989700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [WRN] : slow 
> request 30.429723 seconds old, received at 2016-11-11 18:24:59.487570: 
> osd_op(client.2406272.1:336025615 rbd_data.66e952ae8944a.0000000000350167 
> [set-alloc-hint object_size 4194304 write_size 4194304,write 0~524288] 
> 0.8d3c9da5 snapc 248=[248,216] ondisk+write e201514) currently waiting for 
> subops from 210,499,821 
> . So I guess the issue is related to replication process when writing new 
> data on the cluster. Again it is never the same secondary OSDs that are 
> displayed in OSD daemon logs. 
> As a result we are experiencing very important IO Write latency on ceph 
> client side (can be up to 1 hour !!!). 
> We have checked Network health as well as disk health but we wre not able to 
> find any issue. 
> Wanted to know if this issue was already observed or if you have ideas to 
> investigate / WA the issue. 
> Many thanks... 
> Thomas 
> The cluster is composed with 37DN and 851 OSDs and 5 MONs 
> The Ceph clients are accessing the client with RBD 
> Cluster is Hammer 0.94.5 version 
> cluster 1a26e029-3734-4b0e-b86e-ca2778d0c990 
> health HEALTH_WARN 
> 25 requests are blocked > 32 sec 
> 1 near full osd(s) 
> noout flag(s) set 
> monmap e3: 5 mons at 
> {NVMBD1CGK190D00=,nvmbd1cgy050d00=,nvmbd1cgy070d00=,nvmbd1cgy090d00=,nvmbd1cgy130d00=
>  [1]} 
> election epoch 664, quorum 0,1,2,3,4 
> nvmbd1cgy130d00,nvmbd1cgy050d00,nvmbd1cgy090d00,nvmbd1cgy070d00,NVMBD1CGK190D00
> osdmap e205632: 851 osds: 850 up, 850 in 
> flags noout 
> pgmap v25919096: 10240 pgs, 1 pools, 197 TB data, 50664 kobjects 
> 597 TB used, 233 TB / 831 TB avail 
> 10208 active+clean 
> 32 active+clean+scrubbing+deep 
> client io 97822 kB/s rd, 205 MB/s wr, 2402 op/s 
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