Hi all,

we are using Ceph (jewel 10.2.2, 10GBit Ceph frontend/backend, 3 nodes, each 8 
OSD's and 2 journal SSD's) 
in out VMware environment especially for test environments and templates - but 
not for productive machines (because of missing FC-redundancy & performance).

On our Linux based SCST 4GBit fiber channel proxy, 16 ceph-rbd  devices 
(non-caching, in total 10 TB) 
creating a LVM (stripped) volume which is published as a FC-target to our 
VMware cluster. 
Looks fine, works stable. But currently the proxy is not redundant (only one 
Performance is ok (a), but not that good than our IBM Storwize 3700 SAN (16 
Especially for small IO's (4k), the IBM is twice as fast as Ceph. 

Native ceph integration to VMware would be great (-:

Best regards

(a) Atto Benchmark screenshots - IBM Storwize 37000 vs. Ceph

DT Netsolution GmbH   -   Taläckerstr. 30    -    D-70437 Stuttgart
Geschäftsführer: Daniel Schwager, Stefan Hörz - HRB Stuttgart 19870
Tel: +49-711-849910-32, Fax: -932 - Mailto:daniel.schwa...@dtnet.de

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf Of 
> Patrick McGarry
> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 8:33 PM
> To: Ceph-User; Ceph Devel
> Subject: [ceph-users] Ceph + VMWare
> Hey guys,
> Starting to buckle down a bit in looking at how we can better set up
> Ceph for VMWare integration, but I need a little info/help from you
> folks.
> If you currently are using Ceph+VMWare, or are exploring the option,
> I'd like some simple info from you:
> 1) Company
> 2) Current deployment size
> 3) Expected deployment growth
> 4) Integration method (or desired method) ex: iscsi, native, etc
> Just casting the net so we know who is interested and might want to
> help us shape and/or test things in the future if we can make it
> better. Thanks.

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