Hi Tom, a few things you can check into. Some of these depend on how many
OSDs you¹re trying to run on a single chassis.

# up PIDs, otherwise you may run out of the ability to spawn new threads

# up available mem for sudden bursts, like during benchmarking
Vm.min_free_kbytes = <something reasonable, like 2GB>

In ceph.conf:

max_open_files = <32K or more>

# make sure you have enough ephemeral port range for the number of OSDs
Ms bind port min = 6800
Ms bind port max = 9000

You may need to up your network tuning as well, but it¹s less likely to
cause these sorts of problems. Watch your netstat -s for clues.

Warren Wang

On 9/12/16, 12:44 PM, "ceph-users on behalf of Deneau, Tom"
<ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com on behalf of tom.den...@amd.com> wrote:

>Trying to understand why some OSDs (6 out of 21) went down in my cluster
>while running a CBT radosbench benchmark.  From the logs below, is this a
>networking problem between systems, or is it some kind of FileStore
>Looking at one crashed OSD log, I see the following crash error:
>2016-09-09 21:30:29.757792 7efc6f5f1700 -1 FileStore: sync_entry timed
>out after 600 seconds.
> ceph version 10.2.1-13.el7cp (f15ca93643fee5f7d32e62c3e8a7016c1fc1e6f4)
>just before that I see things like:
>2016-09-09 21:18:07.391760 7efc755fd700 -1 osd.12 165 heartbeat_check: no
>reply from osd.6 since back 2016-09-09 21:17:47.261601 front 2016-09-09
>21:17:47.261601 (cutoff 2016-09-09 21:17:47.391758)
>and also
>2016-09-09 19:03:45.788327 7efc53905700  0 -- >>
> pipe(0x7efc8bfbc800 sd=65 :52000 s=1 pgs=12 cs=1 l=0\
> c=0x7efc8bef5b00).connect got RESETSESSION
>and many warnings for slow requests.
>All the other osds that died seem to have died with:
>2016-09-09 19:11:01.663262 7f2157e65700 -1 common/HeartbeatMap.cc: In
>function 'bool ceph::HeartbeatMap::_check(const
>ceph::heartbeat_handle_d*, const char*, time_t)' thread 7f2157e65700 time
>2016-09-09 19:11:01.660671
>common/HeartbeatMap.cc: 86: FAILED assert(0 == "hit suicide timeout")
>-- Tom Deneau, AMD
>ceph-users mailing list

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