
On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 09:48:46 +0200 (CEST) David DELON wrote:

> Hello, 
> i'm using ceph jewel. 
> I would like to schedule the deep scrub operations on my own. 

Welcome to the club, alas the ride isn't for the faint of heart.

You will want to (re-)search the ML archive (google) and in particular the
recent "Spreading deep-scrubbing load" thread.

> First of all, i have tried to change the interval value for 30 days: 
> In each /etc/ceph/ceph.conf, i have added: 
> [osd] 
> #30*24*3600 
> osd deep scrub interval = 2592000 
> I have restarted all the OSD daemons. 

This could have been avoided by an "inject" for all OSDs.
Restarting (busy) OSDs isn't particular nice for a cluster.

> The new value has been taken into account as for each OSD: 
> ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.X.asok config show | grep 
> deep_scrub_interval 
> "osd_deep_scrub_interval": "2.592e+06", 
> I have checked the last_deep_scrub value for each pg with 
> ceph pg dump 
> And each pg has been deep scrubbed during the last 7 days (which is the 
> default behavior). 
See the above thread.

> Since i have made the changes 2 days ago, it keeps on deep scrubbing. 
> Do i miss something? 
At least 2 things, maybe more.

Unless you changed the "osd_scrub_max_interval" as well, that will enforce
things, by default after a week.

And with Jewel you get that well meaning, but turned on by default and
ill-documented "osd_scrub_interval_randomize_ratio", which will spread
things out happily and not when you want them.

Again, read the above thread.

Also your cluster _should_ be able to endure deep scrubs even when busy,
otherwise you're looking at trouble when you loose and OSD and the
resulting balancing as well.

Setting these to something sensible:
    "osd_scrub_begin_hour": "0",
    "osd_scrub_end_hour": "6",

and especially this:
    "osd_scrub_sleep": "0.1",

will minimize the impact of scrub as well.

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications
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