Hi All

We are preparing upgrade from Ceph Infernalis 9.2.0 to Ceph Jewel
10.2.2. Based on the Upgrade procedure documentation
http://docs.ceph.com/docs/jewel/install/upgrading-ceph/  it sound easy.
But it often fails when you think it's easy. Therefore I would like to
know your opinion for the following questions:

1) We think to upgrade one monitor after each other. If we break one
monitor, the 2 others are still operational.

in the Documentation the propose
ceph-deploy install --release jewel mon1 mon2 mon3

Wouldn't it be wise to upgrade one after the other?
ceph-deploy install --release jewel mon1
ceph-deploy install --release jewel mon2
ceph-deploy install --release jewel mon3

Same procedure for Monitor Nodes ??

2) On which node would you recommend running the ceph-deploy command?
which one is the admin node?

3) If we are using ceph-deploy for upgrading, do we need to change the
apt  repository?
#cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph_com_debian_infernalis.list
deb http://ceph.com/debian-infernalis trusty main

4) There is not possibility to revert the upgrade. Is there any plan B
when the upgrade fails ? Sorry for being so pessimistic.

5) General Experiences in upgrading ceph? Does it fails often? How was
your plan B in case of upgrade failures ?

Your feedbacks are highly appreciated!

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