I have find a way, nbd device store the pid of the running rbd-ndb process,

#cat /sys/block/nbd0/pid 
#cat /proc/18963/cmdline 
rbd-nbd map pool/testimage

----- Mail original -----
De: "Jason Dillaman" <jdill...@redhat.com>
À: "aderumier" <aderum...@odiso.com>
Cc: "ceph-users" <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
Envoyé: Mardi 23 Août 2016 16:30:38
Objet: Re: [ceph-users] rbd-nbd: list-mapped : is it possible to display 
associtation between rbd volume and nbd device ?

I don't think this is something that could be trivially added. The 
nbd protocol doesn't really support associating metadata with the 
device. Right now, that "list-mapped" command just tests each nbd 
device to see if it is connected to any backing server (not just 
rbd-nbd backed devices). 

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 5:28 AM, Alexandre DERUMIER <aderum...@odiso.com> 
> Hi, I'm currently testing rbd-nbd, to implement them in lxc instead krbd (to 
> support new rbd features ) 
> #rbd-nbd map pool/testimage 
> /dev/nbd0 
> #rbd-nbd list-mapped 
> /dev/nbd0 
> Is is possible to implement something like 
> #rbd-nbd list-mapped 
> /dev/nbd0 pool/testimage 
> Regards, 
> Alexandre 
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