On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Ivan Koortzen <ivan.koort...@nwu.ac.za> wrote:
> Hi Guys, hope someone can help

Hi Ivan,
> Im running Cent-OS7 with ceph Jewel release
> I recently installed ceph on 3x new servers, but im having trouble preparing
> and activating osd's:
> notes:
> in my setup :
>  - /dev/sdh is a sata drive used for the data osd
> - /dev/sdc is a ssd used for journal
> prior the osd prepare i used disk zap on the drives whick completed
> successfully,
> previous attempts was to user ceph-deploy osd create - but I get the same
> error
> tries rebooting server before running the commands, but did not work
> tried it with others disks on the server, and 1 or 2 out of the 24 worked,
> the problem seems to be intermittent (used exactly the same commands on all
> disks)
> There is nothing wrong with the disks, did a health check on them all
> Some help would greatly be appreciated!

This looks like http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/15176

Kind regards,

Ruben Kerkhof
ceph-users mailing list

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