I've been following Ceph (and in particular CephFS) for some time now, and
glad to see it coming on in leaps and bounds!

I've been running a small OpenAFS Cell for a while now, and it's really
starting to show its age. I thought I'd ask whether anyone's considered
CephFS for a similar role?

As I understand it, Ceph authentication/authorization is very coarse (i.e.
granularity down to the mount point level only) and doesn't operate any
form of encryption between client and server, so I was wondering whether
anyone was using a form of intermediary proxy to provide these semantics to
the end user?

I was thinking perhaps of a WebDAV gateway (via radosgw or cephfs, and
https via davfs2 for the client side) or NFSv4 (via cephfs... but obviously
then you have to generate keytabs for the client machines, which I don't
have to do for AFS at present) or whether this is just something that isn't
anywhere near the front of mind for developers/users yet?

I realise this is not the current intended use cases, but I'm interested in
people's opinions, and whether anyone implements such a scheme today.

Many thanks in advance,

Matthew Walster
ceph-users mailing list

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