
As part of our testing over a period of time, we used a lot of parameters
in Ceph.conf. With that configuration, we observed issues when we pulled
down 2 sites as mentioned earlier.

In the last couple of days, we cleaned up a lot of parameters and
configured only couple of mandatory parameters and we are not seeing any
issues when we bring down 2 sites. FYI..

Thanks & Regards,

On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 8:23 PM, Venkata Manojawa Paritala <
manojaw...@vedams.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have configured single Ceph cluster in a lab with the below
> specification.
> 1. Divided the cluster into 3 logical sites (SiteA, SiteB & SiteC). This
> is to simulate that nodes are part of different Data Centers and having
> network connectivity between them for DR.
> 2. Each site operates in a different subnet and each subnet is part of one
> VLAN. We have configured routing so that OSD nodes in one site can
> communicate to OSD nodes in the other 2 sites.
> 3. Each site will have one monitor  node, 2  OSD nodes (to which we have
> disks attached) and IO generating clients.
> 4. We have configured 2 networks.
> 4.1. Public network - To which all the clients, monitors and OSD nodes are
> connected
> 4.2. Cluster network - To which only the OSD nodes are connected for -
> Replication/recovery/hearbeat traffic.
> 5. We have 2 issues here.
> 5.1. We are unable sustain IO for clients from individual sites when we
> isolate the OSD nodes by bringing down ONLY the cluster network between
> sites. Logically this will make the individual sites to be in isolation
> with respect to the cluster network. Please note that the public network is
> still connected between the sites.
> 5.2. In a fully functional cluster, when we bring down 2 sites (shutdown
> the OSD services of 2 sites - say Site A OSDs and Site B OSDs) then, OSDs
> in the third site (Site C) are going down (OSD Flapping).
> We need workarounds/solutions to  fix the above 2 issues.
> Below are some of the parameters we have already mentioned in the
> Cenf.conf to sustain the cluster for a longer time, when we cut-off the
> links between sites. But, they were not successful.
> --------------
> [global]
> public_network =
> cluster_network =,,
> osd hearbeat address =
> [monitor]
> mon osd report timeout = 1800
> [OSD}
> osd heartbeat interval = 12
> osd hearbeat grace = 60
> osd mon heartbeat interval = 60
> osd mon report interval max = 300
> osd mon report interval min = 10
> osd mon act timeout = 60
> .
> .
> ----------------
> We also confiured the parameter "osd_heartbeat_addr" and tried with the
> values - 1) Ceph public network (assuming that when we bring down the
> cluster network hearbeat should happen via public network). 2) Provided a
> different network range altogether and had physical connections. But both
> the options did not work.
> We have a total of 49 OSDs (14 in Site A, 14 in SiteB, 21 in SiteC) in the
> cluster. One Monitor in each Site.
> We need to try the below two options.
> A) Increase the "mon osd min down reporters" value. Question is how much.
> Say, if I give this value to 49, then will the client IO sustain when we
> cut-off the cluster network links between sites. In this case one issue
> would be that if the OSD is really down we wouldn't know.
> B) Add 2 monitors to each site. This would make each site with 3 monitors
> and the overall cluster will have 9 monitors. The reason we wanted to try
> this is, we think that the OSDs are going down as the the quorum is unable
> to find the minimum number nodes (may be monitors) to sustain.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Manoj
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