Fundamentally, I wanted to know what chunks are allocated in which OSDs.
This way I can preserve the array structure required for my
Erasure Code. If all the chunks are placed in randomly ordered OSDs (like
in Jerasure or ISA) then I loss that array structure required in the
Encoding/Decoding algorithm of my Plugin.
I'm trying to develop an Erasure Code plugin for RDP (or RAID-DP) kind of


On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 4:12 AM, Samuel Just <> wrote:

> Why do you want them in serial increasing order?
> -Sam
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:43 PM, Samuel Just <> wrote:
>> How would such a code work if there were more than 24 osds?
>> -Sam
>> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Syed Hussain <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm working to develop an Erasure Code plugin (variation of ISA) that
>>> have typical requirement that the active set of the Erasure Coded pool in
>>> serial order.
>>> For example,
>>> ====================================================================================================
>>> >ceph osd erasure-code-profile set reed_k16m8_isa k=16 m=8 plugin=isa
>>> technique=reed_sol_van ruleset-failure-domain=osd
>>> >ceph osd pool create reed_k16m8_isa_pool 128 128 erasure reed_k16m8_isa
>>> --pool reed_k16m8_isa_pool put myobj16_8 -
>>> >ceph osd map reed_k16m8_isa_pool myobj16_8
>>> osdmap e86 pool 'reed_k16m8_isa_pool' (1) object 'myobj16_8' -> pg
>>> 1.cf6ec86f (1.6f) -> up
>>> ([4,23,22,10,9,11,15,6,19,1,7,8,17,21,16,14,18,12,13,20,3,5,0,2], p4)
>>> acting ([4,23,22,10,9,11,15,6,19,1,7,8,17,21,16,14,18,12,13,20,3,5,0,2], p4)
>>> ====================================================================================================
>>> That means the chunks 0, 1, 2, ...23 of the erasure coding are saved int
>>> osd 4, 23, 22, 10, ...2 respectively as per the order given in the active
>>> set.
>>> Now my question is how I'll be able to get the PG map for object
>>> myobj16_8 having active set as: [0, 1, 2, ...23] so that the i-th chunk of
>>> the Erasure Coded object saves into
>>> i-th osd.
>>> Is there any option available in "ceph osd pool create" to do it?
>>> Or there may be other way available to accomplish this case.
>>> Appreciate your suggestions..
>>> Thanks,
>>> Syed Hussain
>>> NetWorld
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