>> Using ceph cluster with 100+ OSDs and cluster is filled with 60% data.
>> One of the OSD is 95% full.
>> If an OSD is 95% full, is it impact the any storage operation? Is this
>> impacts on VM/Instance?

>Yes, one OSD will impact whole cluster. It will block write operations to the 

Thanks for clarification. Really?? Is this(OSD 95%) full designed to
block write I/O of ceph cluster?
Because I have around 251 OSDs out which one OSD is 95% full, but
other 250 OSDs not in near full also...


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Henrik Korkuc <li...@kirneh.eu> wrote:
> On 16-07-19 11:44, M Ranga Swami Reddy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Using ceph cluster with 100+ OSDs and cluster is filled with 60% data.
>> One of the OSD is 95% full.
>> If an OSD is 95% full, is it impact the any storage operation? Is this
>> impacts on VM/Instance?
> Yes, one OSD will impact whole cluster. It will block write operations to
> the cluster
>> Immediately I have reduced the OSD weight, which was filled with 95 %
>> data. After re-weight, data rebalanaced and OSD came to normal state
>> (ie < 80%) with 1 hour time frame.
>> Thanks
>> Swami
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