Hi All,

Have a question on the performance of sequential write @ 4K block sizes.

Here is my configuration:

Ceph Cluster: 6 Nodes. Each node with :-
20x HDDs (OSDs) - 10K RPM 1.2 TB SAS disks
SSDs - 4x - Intel S3710, 400GB; for OSD journals shared across 20 HDDs (i.e., 
SSD journal ratio 1:5)

- Client network - 10Gbps
- Cluster network - 10Gbps
- Each node with dual NIC - Intel 82599 ES - driver version 4.0.1

Traffic generators:
2 client servers - running on dual Intel sockets with 16 physical cores (32 
cores with hyper-threading enabled)

Test program:
FIO - sequential read/write; random read/write
Blocksizes - 4k, 32k, 256k...
FIO - Number of jobs = 32; IO depth = 64
Runtime = 10 minutes; Ramptime = 5 minutes
Filesize = 4096g (5TB)

I observe that my sequential write performance at 4K block size is very low - I 
am getting around 6MB/sec bandwidth.  The performance improves significantly at 
larger block sizes (shown below)

FIO - Sequential Write test

Block Size

Sequential Write Bandwidth KB/Sec











Here are my questions:
- Why is the sequential write performance at 4K block size so low? Is this 
in-line what others see?
- Is it because of less number of clients, i.e., traffic generators? I am 
planning to increase the number of clients to 4 servers.
- There is a later version on NIC driver from Intel, v4.3.15 - do you think 
upgrading to later version (v4.3.15) will improve performance?

Any thoughts or pointers will be helpful.


- epk

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