Hi list,

Given a single node Ceph cluster (lab), I started out with the following
CRUSH rule:
> # rules
> rule replicated_ruleset {
>     ruleset 0
>     type replicated
>     min_size 1
>     max_size 10
>     step take default
>     step choose firstn 0 type osd
>     step emit
> }

Meanwhile, the cluster has grown (production) and additional hosts (and
OSDs, obviously) were added.

Ensuring redundancy between hosts, I would like to alter the rule as
> # rules
> rule replicated_ruleset {
>     ruleset 0
>     type replicated
>     min_size 1
>     max_size 10
>     step take default
>     step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
>     step emit
> }

Is this the way to go? I would like as little performance degradation
while rebalancing as possible.

Please advice if I need to take in account certain preparations.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
ceph-users mailing list

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