Running ./ commands step by step on a cluster of VMs with Centos 7.2
image on them realized that the following step does not go through:

pdsh -R ssh -w root@vm10 ceph-authtool --create-keyring --gen-key
--name=mon. /tmp/cbt/ceph/keyring --cap mon 'allow *'ceph-authtool

I particularly see the following message when I run the above command:

vm10:usage: ceph-authtool keyringfile [OPTIONS]...
vm10:ceph-authtool: unexpected 'anaconda-ks.cfg'
vm10:where the options are:
vm10:  -l, --list                    will list all keys and capabilities
present in
vm10:                                the keyring
vm10:  -p, --print-key               will print an encoded key for the
vm10:                                entityname. This is suitable for the
vm10:                                'mount -o secret=..' argument
vm10:  -C, --create-keyring          will create a new keyring, overwriting
vm10:                                existing keyringfile
vm10:  -g, --gen-key                 will generate a new secret key for the
vm10:                                specified entityname
vm10:  --gen-print-key               will generate a new secret key without
set it
vm10:                                to the keyringfile, prints the secret
to stdout
vm10:  --import-keyring              will import the content of a given
vm10:                                into the keyringfile
vm10:  -u, --set-uid                 sets the auid (authenticated user id)
for the
vm10:                                specified entityname
vm10:  -a, --add-key                 will add an encoded key to the keyring
vm10:  --cap subsystem capability    will set the capability for given
vm10:  --caps capsfile               will set all of capabilities
associated with a
vm10:                                given key, for all subsystems

I have added the host names and their IP addresses to /etc/hosts and
ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id have been done for all the hosts. So, no problem
in doing passwordless ssh from/to machines inside the cluster.
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