On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 8:05 AM, Gregory Farnum <gfar...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 9:54 PM, Goncalo Borges
> <goncalo.bor...@sydney.edu.au> wrote:
>> Thank you Greg...
>> There is one further thing which is not explained in the release notes and
>> that may be worthwhile to say.
>> The rpm structure (for redhat compatible releases) changed in Jewel where
>> now there is a ( ceph + ceph-common + ceph-base + ceph-mon/osd/mds + others
>> ) packages while in infernalis there was only  ( ceph + ceph-common + others
>> ) packages
>> I haven't tested things yet myself but the standard upgrade instructions
>> just say to do a 'yum update && yum install ceph' and I actually wonder how
>> this will pull ceph-mon in a MON, ceoh-osd in an OSD server or ceph-mds in a
>> MDS. Unless everything is pulled together in each service (even if not used
>> afterwards).
> I have no idea in specific, but in general the package managers
> provide mechanisms to do this correctly and we've succeeded in the
> past, so just working on the ceph meta-package *should* do the
> trick...

Right. Goncalo, yry "yum update" without a "-y" and see what happens :)

- Ken
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