> Op 13 mei 2016 om 11:34 schreef Lazuardi Nasution <mrxlazuar...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> After disaster and restarting for automatic recovery, I found following
> ceph status. Some OSDs cannot be restarted due to file system corruption
> (it seem that xfs is fragile).
> [root@management-b ~]# ceph status
>     cluster 3810e9eb-9ece-4804-8c56-b986e7bb5627
>      health HEALTH_WARN
>             209 pgs degraded
>             209 pgs stuck degraded
>             334 pgs stuck unclean
>             209 pgs stuck undersized
>             209 pgs undersized
>             recovery 5354/77810 objects degraded (6.881%)
>             recovery 1105/77810 objects misplaced (1.420%)
>      monmap e1: 3 mons at {management-a=
> }
>             election epoch 2308, quorum 0,1,2
> management-a,management-b,management-c
>      osdmap e25037: 96 osds: 49 up, 49 in; 125 remapped pgs
>             flags sortbitwise
>       pgmap v9024253: 2560 pgs, 5 pools, 291 GB data, 38905 objects
>             678 GB used, 90444 GB / 91123 GB avail
>             5354/77810 objects degraded (6.881%)
>             1105/77810 objects misplaced (1.420%)
>                 2226 active+clean
>                  209 active+undersized+degraded
>                  125 active+remapped
>   client io 0 B/s rd, 282 kB/s wr, 10 op/s
> Since total active PGs same with total PGs and total degraded PGs same with
> total undersized PGs, does it mean that all PGs have at least one good
> replica, so I can just mark lost or remove down OSD, reformat again and
> then restart them if there is no hardware issue with HDDs? Which one of PGs
> status should I pay more attention, degraded or undersized due to lost
> object possibility?

Yes. Your system is not reporting any inactive, unfound or stale PGs, so that 
is good news.

However, I recommend that you wait for the system to become fully active+clean 
before you start removing any OSDs or formatting hard drives. Better be safe 
than sorry.


> Best regards,
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