
there is a memory allocation bug, at least in hammer.

Mouting an rbd volume as a block device on a ceph node might run you
into that. Then your mount wont work, and you will have to restart the
OSD daemon(s).

Its generally not a perfectly good idea.

Better use a dedicated client for the mounts.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Oliver Dzombic



IP Interactive UG ( haftungsbeschraenkt )
Zum Sonnenberg 1-3
63571 Gelnhausen

HRB 93402 beim Amtsgericht Hanau
Geschäftsführung: Oliver Dzombic

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UST ID: DE274086107

Am 29.04.2016 um 17:30 schrieb Edward Huyer:
> This is more of a "why" than a "can I/should I" question.
> The Ceph block device quickstart says (if I interpret it correctly) not to 
> use a physical machine as both a Ceph RBD client and a node for hosting OSDs 
> or other Ceph services.
> Is this interpretation correct? If so, what is the reasoning? If not, what is 
> it actually saying?
> Thanks in advance.
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