
On Tue, 29 Mar 2016 13:47:04 -0400 Shain Miley wrote:

> Hello all,
> We are currently running ceph version 0.80.11 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS.
Used to be 0.80.10/11 on Debian Jessie here.
> I would like to upgrade the cluster so that we can stay a little more 
> current on the releases and hopefully take advantage of some of the 
> exciting new features coming out soon.
> My questions are:
> 1)Which version of ceph is considered the most stable at this point (I 
> assume we should be looking at either Hammer or Infernalis)?
Hammer, because it is a stable LTS version. 
No bug fixes for Infernalis once Jewel is released (any day now).

If there's anything you really, really want in Infernalis, still Hammer
and then Jewel.
> 2)It looks like we have the option of going from firefly directly to 
> hammer or going from firefly to giant then to hammer.  I am wondering if 
> anyone who has already been through this already, has any information on 
> which path is likely to produce the the least number of issues for us 
> moving forward.
Direct to Hammer, quite painless process in all of my 3 clusters.

Note that 0.94.6 has a massive, data destroying cache-tier bug, so you
will want to wait until .7 at least if you're using cache-tiering, or read
up on the work-around for that bug alternatively.

> 3)It looks like 12.04 is no longer supported after hammer...I am 
> wondering if it would be better to upgrade to 14.04 then start to 
> upgrade the ceph cluster...or should I upgrade to hammer then move onto 
> ubuntu upgrades from there?
I'd upgrade to 14.04 first in your shoes, this will also allow you to move
to Jewel once that had some time to settle down.

> Thanks in advance for any advice,
> Shain
> *NPR* | Shain Miley | Manager of Infrastructure, Digital Media | 
> smi...@npr.org | 202.513.3649

Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                
ch...@gol.com           Global OnLine Japan/Rakuten Communications
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