Hi François,
"usermod -aG ceph snmp" is better ;)

2016-03-11 3:37 GMT+01:00 Francois Lafont <flafdiv...@free.fr>:
> Hi,
> I have a ceph cluster on Infernalis and I'm using a snmp agent to retrieve
> data and generate generic graphs concerning each cluster node. Currently, I
> can see in the syslog of each node this kind of lines (every 5 minutes):
>     Mar 11 03:15:26 ceph01 snmpd[16824]: Cannot statfs 
> /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-ceph01#012: Permission denied
>     Mar 11 03:15:26 ceph01 snmpd[16824]: Cannot statfs 
> /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-16#012: Permission denied
> Of course, it's a basic problem of Unix rights. The snmp agent uses the
> account "snmp" and the Unix rights of the ceph home directory are:
>     ~# ll -d /var/lib/ceph
>     drwxr-x--- 9 ceph ceph 4096 Nov  4 06:34 /var/lib/ceph/
> So, of course, currently the snmp account can't access to
> /var/lib/ceph/{osd,mon}/$cluster-$id/.
> 1. Is there a problem (an eventually side effect) if I just do that?
>     chmod o+rx /var/lib/ceph/
> Can I have security problem with that?
> 2. Or do you think it's a better idea to just add "snmp" in the Unix group
> "ceph"? Maybe better than 1. because I don't change the permissions of the
> directory _and_ it seems to me that a member of the "ceph" group has never
> the "w" right in /var/lib/ceph/.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> --
> François Lafont
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