Hi Blair!

Last I heard you should budget for 2-3 fds per OSD. This only affects
Glance in our cloud -- the hypervisors run unlimited as root.

Here's our config in /etc/security/limits.d/91-nproc.conf:

glance     soft    nofile     32768
glance     hard    nofile     32768
glance     soft    nproc     32768

(no we don't have 10000 OSDs, but multi-attached volumes may or may
not reuse fds -- I think not but didn't check recently.)

Cheers, Dan

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Blair Bethwaite
<blair.bethwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Not getting very far with this query internally (RH), so hoping
> someone familiar with the code can spare me the C++ pain...
> We've hit soft thread count ulimits a couple of times with different
> Ceph clusters. The clients (Qemu/KVM guests on both Ubuntu and RHEL
> hosts) have hit the limit thanks to many socket fds to the Ceph
> cluster and then experienced weird (at least the first time) and
> difficult to debug (no qemu or libvirt logs) issues. The primary
> symptom seems to be an apparent IO hang in the guest with no
> well-defined trigger, i.e., the Ceph volumes seem to work initially
> but then somehow we hit the ulimit and no further guest IOs progress
> (iostat shows devices at 100% util but no IOPS).
> qemu.conf has a max_files setting for tuning the relevant system
> default ulimit on guests, but we've no idea what it needs to be (so
> for now have just gone very large).
> So, how many threads does librbd need? It seems to be relative to the
> size (#OSDs and/or #PGs) of the cluster, as in one case this issue
> popped up for a user with 10 RBD volumes attached to an OpenStack
> instance only after we added a handful of OSDs to expand the cluster
> (which pushed their qemu/kvm processes steady state fd usage from ~900
> to ~1100, past the 1024 default).
> --
> Cheers,
> ~Blairo
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