On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Stephen Lord <steve.l...@quantum.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 2016, at 6:51 PM, Gregory Farnum <gfar...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> I presume we're doing reads in order to gather some object metadata
>> from the cephfs-data pool; and the (small) newly-created objects in
>> cache-data are definitely whiteout objects indicating the object no
>> longer exists logically.
>> What kinds of reads are you actually seeing? Does it appear to be
>> transferring data, or merely doing a bunch of seeks? I thought we were
>> trying to avoid doing reads-to-delete, but perhaps the way we're
>> handling snapshots or something is invoking behavior that isn't
>> amicable to a full-FS delete.
>> I presume you're trying to characterize the system's behavior, but of
>> course if you just want to empty it out entirely you're better off
>> deleting the pools and the CephFS instance entirely and then starting
>> it over again from scratch.
>> -Greg
> I believe it is reading all the data, just from the volume of traffic and
> the cpu load on the OSDs maybe suggests it is doing more than
> just that.
> iostat is showing a lot of data moving, I am seeing about the same volume
> of read and write activity here. Because the OSDs underneath both pools
> are the same ones, I know that’s not exactly optimal, it is hard to tell what
> which pool is responsible for which I/O. Large reads and small writes suggest
> it is reading up all the data from the objects,  the write traffic is I 
> presume all
> journal activity relating to deleting objects and creating the empty ones.
> The 9:1 ratio between things being deleted and created seems odd though.
> A previous version of this exercise with just a regular replicated data pool
> did not read anything, just a lot of write activity and eventually the content
> disappeared. So definitely related to the pool configuration here and probably
> not to the filesystem layer.

Sam, does this make any sense to you in terms of how RADOS handles deletes?
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