Hi Everyone,

Looking for a double check of my logic and crush map..


- osdgroup bucket type defines failure domain within a host of 5 OSDs + 1 SSD.  
 Therefore 5 OSDs (all utilizing the same journal) constitute an osdgroup 
bucket.   Each host has 4 osdgroups.
- 6 monitors
- Two node cluster
- Each node:
-       20 OSDs
-       4 SSDs
-       4 osdgroups

Desired Crush Rule outcome:
- Assuming a pool with min_size=2 and size=4, all each node would contain a 
redundant copy of each object.   Should any of the hosts fail, access to data 
would be uninterrupted.   

Current Crush Rule outcome:
- There are 4 copies of each object, however I don’t believe each node has a 
redundant copy of each object, when a node fails, data is NOT accessible until 
ceph rebuilds itself / node becomes accessible again.

I susepct my crush is not right, and to remedy it may take some time and cause 
cluster to be unresponsive / unavailable.    Is there a way / method to apply 
substantial crush changes gradually to a cluster?   

Thanks for your help.

Current crush map:

# begin crush map
tunable choose_local_tries 0
tunable choose_local_fallback_tries 0
tunable choose_total_tries 50
tunable chooseleaf_descend_once 1
tunable straw_calc_version 1

# devices
device 0 osd.0
device 1 osd.1
device 2 osd.2
device 3 osd.3
device 4 osd.4
device 5 osd.5
device 6 osd.6
device 7 osd.7
device 8 osd.8
device 9 osd.9
device 10 osd.10
device 11 osd.11
device 12 osd.12
device 13 osd.13
device 14 osd.14
device 15 osd.15
device 16 osd.16
device 17 osd.17
device 18 osd.18
device 19 osd.19
device 20 osd.20
device 21 osd.21
device 22 osd.22
device 23 osd.23
device 24 osd.24
device 25 osd.25
device 26 osd.26
device 27 osd.27
device 28 osd.28
device 29 osd.29
device 30 osd.30
device 31 osd.31
device 32 osd.32
device 33 osd.33
device 34 osd.34
device 35 osd.35
device 36 osd.36
device 37 osd.37
device 38 osd.38
device 39 osd.39

# types
type 0 osd
type 1 osdgroup
type 2 host
type 3 rack
type 4 site
type 5 root

# buckets
osdgroup b02s08-osdgroupA {
        id -81          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 18.100
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.0 weight 3.620
        item osd.1 weight 3.620
        item osd.2 weight 3.620
        item osd.3 weight 3.620
        item osd.4 weight 3.620
osdgroup b02s08-osdgroupB {
        id -82          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 18.100
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.5 weight 3.620
        item osd.6 weight 3.620
        item osd.7 weight 3.620
        item osd.8 weight 3.620
        item osd.9 weight 3.620
osdgroup b02s08-osdgroupC {
        id -83          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 19.920
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.10 weight 3.620
        item osd.11 weight 3.620
        item osd.12 weight 3.620
        item osd.13 weight 3.620
        item osd.14 weight 5.440
osdgroup b02s08-osdgroupD {
        id -84          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 19.920
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.15 weight 3.620
        item osd.16 weight 3.620
        item osd.17 weight 3.620
        item osd.18 weight 3.620
        item osd.19 weight 5.440
host b02s08 {
        id -80          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 76.040
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item b02s08-osdgroupA weight 18.100
        item b02s08-osdgroupB weight 18.100
        item b02s08-osdgroupC weight 19.920
        item b02s08-osdgroupD weight 19.920
osdgroup b02s12-osdgroupA {
        id -121         # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 18.100
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.20 weight 3.620
        item osd.21 weight 3.620
        item osd.22 weight 3.620
        item osd.23 weight 3.620
        item osd.24 weight 3.620
osdgroup b02s12-osdgroupB {
        id -122         # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 18.100
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.25 weight 3.620
        item osd.26 weight 3.620
        item osd.27 weight 3.620
        item osd.28 weight 3.620
        item osd.29 weight 3.620
osdgroup b02s12-osdgroupC {
        id -123         # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 19.920
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.30 weight 3.620
        item osd.31 weight 3.620
        item osd.32 weight 3.620
        item osd.33 weight 3.620
        item osd.34 weight 5.440
osdgroup b02s12-osdgroupD {
        id -124         # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 19.920
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item osd.35 weight 3.620
        item osd.36 weight 3.620
        item osd.37 weight 3.620
        item osd.38 weight 3.620
        item osd.39 weight 5.440
host b02s12 {
        id -120         # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 76.040
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item b02s12-osdgroupA weight 18.100
        item b02s12-osdgroupB weight 18.100
        item b02s12-osdgroupC weight 19.920
        item b02s12-osdgroupD weight 19.920
root replicated-T1 {
        id -1           # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 152.080
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item b02s08 weight 76.040
        item b02s12 weight 76.040
rack b02 {
        id -20          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 152.080
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item b02s08 weight 76.040
        item b02s12 weight 76.040
site erbus {
        id -10          # do not change unnecessarily
        # weight 152.080
        alg straw
        hash 0  # rjenkins1
        item b02 weight 152.080

# rules
rule replicated {
        ruleset 0
        type replicated
        min_size 1
        max_size 10
        step take replicated-T1
        step choose firstn 0 type host
        step chooseleaf firstn 0 type osdgroup
        step emit

# end crush map

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