It sounds like you *didn't* change the fsid for the existing osd/mon
daemons since you say there gettin refused. So I think you created a new
"cluster" of just the one monitor, and your client is choosing to connect
to it first. If that's the case, killing that monitor and creating it
properly will fix things.

If that's not the case, please provide the output of "ceph -s" and whatever
error messages are leading to your conclusions.

On Monday, January 11, 2016, Oliver Dzombic <> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> thank you for your time !
> In my situation, i overwrite the old ID with the new one. I dont know
> how. I thought thats impossible, but a running cluster with 4 mon's
> suddenly just changed its ID.
> So the cluster has now the new ID. As i can see, i cant change the ID
> running some command.
> A command to change the cluster fsid would be great :-)
> So i know, for now, i have to adjust everything to the new ID.
> --
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
> Oliver Dzombic
> IP-Interactive
> <javascript:;>
> Anschrift:
> IP Interactive UG ( haftungsbeschraenkt )
> Zum Sonnenberg 1-3
> 63571 Gelnhausen
> HRB 93402 beim Amtsgericht Hanau
> Geschäftsführung: Oliver Dzombic
> Steuer Nr.: 35 236 3622 1
> UST ID: DE274086107
> Am 11.01.2016 um 18:59 schrieb Gregory Farnum:
> > On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 1:58 AM, Oliver Dzombic <
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> fighting to add a new mon it somehow happend by mistake, that a new
> >> cluster id got generated.
> >>
> >> So the output of "ceph -s" show a new cluster id.
> >>
> >> But the osd/mon are still running on the old cluster id.
> >>
> >> Changing the osd/mon to the new cluster id makes them got refused by the
> >> cluster.
> >>
> >> Even restarting the cluster with the old cluster id does not help.
> >>
> >> "ceph -s" is still showing the new cluster id.
> >>
> >> So where is this cluster id exactly coming from ?
> >>
> >> I could not find it up until now, where this new cluster id is
> >> mentioned, that we can change it back to the old one.
> >>
> >> Thank you !
> >
> > FSIDs are stored in the osd and monitor data stores. If you generated
> > a new mon with a different one, the best thing to do is just destroy
> > it and then create a new monitor the cluster properly as you
> > presumably also don't have matching monitor keys, etc
> > -Greg
> >
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