It works. Thank you for your time (Srinivas and Ben).

client.radosgw.gateway-1 and client.radosgw.gateway-2 should only share the same ceph pools. A keyring must be created for both client.radosgw.gateway-1 and client.radosgw.gateway-2.



On 01/05/2016 01:26 PM, Srinivasula Maram wrote:

Yes, it should work. Even if you have multiple radosgws/instances, all instances use same pools.



host = host1

keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring

rgw_socket_path = /var/log/ceph/radosgw1.sock

log_file = /var/log/ceph/radosgw-1.host1.log

rgw_max_chunk_size = 4194304

rgw_frontends = "civetweb port=8081"

rgw_dns_name = host1

rgw_ops_log_rados = false

rgw_enable_ops_log = false

rgw_cache_lru_size = 1000000

rgw_enable_usage_log = false

rgw_usage_log_tick_interval = 30

rgw_usage_log_flush_threshold = 1024

rgw_exit_timeout_secs = 600


host = host2

keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring

rgw_socket_path = /var/log/ceph/radosgw2.sock

log_file = /var/log/ceph/radosgw-2.host2.log

rgw_max_chunk_size = 4194304

rgw_frontends = "civetweb port=8082"

rgw_dns_name = host2

rgw_ops_log_rados = false

rgw_enable_ops_log = false

rgw_cache_lru_size = 1000000

rgw_enable_usage_log = false

rgw_usage_log_tick_interval = 30

rgw_usage_log_flush_threshold = 1024

rgw_exit_timeout_secs = 600



*From:*Ben Hines []
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 05, 2016 10:07 AM
*To:* Yang Honggang
*Cc:* Srinivasula Maram;; Javen Wu
*Subject:* Re: [ceph-users] How to run multiple RadosGW instances under the same zone

It works fine. The federated config reference is not related to running multiple instances on the same zone.

Just set up 2 radosgws give each instance the exact same configuration. (I use different client names in ceph.conf, but i bet it would work even if the client names were identical)

Official documentation on this very common use case would be a good idea, i also figured this out on my own.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Yang Honggang < <>> wrote:

Hello Srinivas,

Yes, we can use Haproxy as a frontend. But the precondition is multi RadosGW instances sharing the *SAME CEPH POOLS* are running. I only want the master zone keep one copy of all data. I want
to access the data through *ANY *radosgw instance.
And it said in
"zones may have more than one Ceph Object Gateway instance per zone.". So I need the *official way*
to set up these radosgw instances.



On 01/04/2016 06:37 PM, Srinivasula Maram wrote:

    Hi Joseph,

    You can try haproxy as proxy for load balancing and failover.



    *From:*ceph-users [] *On
    Behalf Of *Joseph Yang
    *Sent:* Monday, January 04, 2016 2:09 PM
    *To:* <>; Joseph Yang
    *Subject:* [ceph-users] How to run multiple RadosGW instances
    under the same zone


    How to run multiple RadosGW instances under the same zone?

    Assume there are two hosts HOST_1 and HOST2. I want to run

    two RadosGW instances on these two hosts for my zone ZONE_MULI.

    So, when one of the radosgw instance is down, I can still access the zone.

    There are some questions:

    1. How many ceph users should I create?

    2. How many rados users should I create?

    3. How to set ZONE_MULI's access_key/secret_key?

    4. How to set the 'host' section in the ceph conf file for these two

        radosgw instances?

    5. How to start the instances?

         # radosgw --cluster My_Cluster -n ?_which_rados_user_?

    I read,  but

    there seems no explanation.

    Your answer is appreciated!



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