Hi All,

Long story short:

I have built ceph hammer RPMs, everything seems to work OK but running "ceph 
--version" does not report the version number. I don't get a version number 
returned from "service ceph status", either. I'm concerned that other 
components in our system my rely on ceph --version returning a value, so I 
would like to fix this. Can anyone help, please?

The back story:

We need ceph hammer binaries that contain the most recent contributions from 
sponce (https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/6322) as we are using 
libradosstriper1 with ceph. As these changes were merged into the hammer branch 
after the latest hammer release, we have had to build our own RPMs.

To do this, I did a git clone of the hammer branch shortly after this pull 
request was merged. I then tarballed the directory with the "--exclude-vcs" 
option, modified the supplied .spec file by changeing the value of "Version:" 
from "@VERSION@" to "0.94.5" and the value of "Release" from 
"@RPM_RELEASE@%{?dist}" to "1%{?dist}" and built the RPMs. I have since noticed 
the problem with ceph --version.

The answer looks to be found somewhere in one of these files, but I'm coming at 
this as a system administrator, not a programmer, so it is all rather confusing:

Many thanks in advance,

Bruno Canning
Scientific Computing Department
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX
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