
maybe you should first upgrade.


    Posted by sage
    November 19th, 2015

This is a bugfix release for Firefly.  As the Firefly 0.80.x series is
nearing its planned end of life in January 2016 it may also be the last.

I think you are wasting time, trying to analyse/fix issues on a version
which will be EOL in 3 weeks...

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Oliver Dzombic

Am 07.12.2015 um 15:26 schrieb Libin Wu:
> Btw, my ceph version is 0.80.11
> 2015-12-07 21:45 GMT+08:00 Libin Wu <hzwuli...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi, cephers
>> I'm doing the performance test of ceph when recovering. The scene is simple:
>> 1. run fio on 6 krbd device
>> 2. stop one OSD for 10 seconds
>> 3. start that OSD
>> However, when the OSD up and start recovering, the performance of fio
>> drop down from 9k to 1k for about 20 seconds. At the same tiime, we
>> found the SSD of that OSD's latency is more than 100ms, so it seems
>> the SSD become the bottleneck。
>> So we want to slow down the recovery speed to lighten the load of the
>> SSD when recovery. But configuration like:
>>     osd_recovery_max_active
>>     osd_recovery_max_chunk
>>     osd_max_backfills
>>     osd_recovery_op_priority
>> are all useless.
>> After reading and change some code, we want add a flow control in the
>> process of:
>>     OSD::do_recovery
>> So, will it be possible to do so and if this solution has some
>> potential problem?
>> Thanks!
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