Here's something that I didn't see mentioned in this thread yet: the
set of PGs mapped to an OSD is a function of the ID of that OSD. So,
if you replace a drive but don't reuse the same OSD ID for the
replacement, you'll have more PG movement than if you kept the ID.

-- dan

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Jan Schermer <> wrote:
> 1) if you have the original drive that works and just want to replace it then 
> you can just "dd" it over to the new drive and then extend the partition if 
> the new one is larger, this avoids double backfilling in this case
> 2) if the old drive is dead you should "out" it and at the same time add a 
> new drive
> If you reweight the drive then you shuffle all data on it to the rest of the 
> drives on that host (with default crush at least), so you need to have free 
> space to do that safely.
> Also, ceph is not that smart to only backfill the data to the new drive 
> locally (even though it could) and the "hashing" algorithm doesn't really 
> guarantee that no other data moves when you switch drives like that.
> TL;DR - if you can, deal with the additional load
> Jan
>> On 02 Dec 2015, at 11:59, Andy Allan <> wrote:
>> On 30 November 2015 at 09:34, Burkhard Linke
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 11/30/2015 10:08 AM, Carsten Schmitt wrote:
>>>> But after entering the last command, the cluster starts rebalancing again.
>>>> And that I don't understand: Shouldn't be one rebalancing process enough
>>>> or am I missing something?
>>> Removing the OSD changes the weight for the host, thus a second rebalance is
>>> necessary.
>>> The best practice to remove an OSD involves changing the crush weight to 0.0
>>> as first step.
>> I found this out the hard way too. It's unfortunate that the
>> documentation is, in my mind, not helpful on the order of commands to
>> run.
>> Is there any good reason why the documentation recommends this
>> double-rebalance approach? Or conversely, any reason not to change the
>> documentation so that rebalances only happen once?
>> Thanks,
>> Andy
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