On Nov 27, 2015 3:34 AM, "NEVEU Stephane" <stephane.ne...@thalesgroup.com>
> Ok, I think I got it. It seems to come from here :
> tracker.ceph.com/issues/6047
> I’m trying to snapshot an image while I previously made a snapshot of my
pool… whereas it just works fine when using a brand new pool. I’m using
ceph v0.80.10 on Ubuntu 14.04. As I see, it has been patched since
dumpling. Could it be a regression ?

Pool snapshots and the "self-managed" snapshots used by rbd are
incompatible. You have to pick one or the other on each pool.

> De : ceph-users [mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] De la part de
NEVEU Stephane
> Envoyé : jeudi 26 novembre 2015 15:49
> À : ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> Objet : [ceph-users] rbd_inst.create
> Hi all,
> I’m using python scripts to create rbd images like described here
> rbd_inst.create(ioctx, 'myimage', size, old_format=False, features=1)
seems to create a layering image
> rbd_inst.create(ioctx, 'myimage', size, old_format=False, features=2)
seems to create a stripped image
> Setting up “rbd default format =2” in ceph.conf and just using the
following (without feature=x)
> rbd_inst.create(ioctx, 'myimage', size) seems to create a layered +
stripped image
> If someone could point me to the documentation about those bitmasks
(features), that would be great J I cannot find it.
> Moreover, when my images are created this way (using rbd_inst.create with
python), no way to snapshot an image !
> #rbd snap create rbd/myimage@snap1
> …. -1 librbd: failed to create snap id: (22) Invalid argument
> Same thing with img.create_snap(snap) in python, snapshots are not
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