On Wednesday, November 25, 2015, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator <
goetz.reini...@filmakademie.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> discussing some design questions we came across the failover possibility
> of cephs network configuration.
> If I just have a public network, all traffic is crossing that lan.
> With public and cluster network I can separate the traffic and get some
> benefits.
> What if one of the networks fail? e.g. just on one host or the whole
> network for all nodes?
> Is there some sort of auto failover to use the other network for all
> traffic than?
> How dose that work in real life? :) Or do I have to interact by hand?

We have successfully used multiple bonding interfaces, which work correctly
with high speed NICs, at least in Ubuntu with 4.x kernels.  In combination
with MLAG (multiple seitch chassis link aggregation) this provides at least
good physical redundancy.  I expect to be able for this to improve further
with Software Defined Networking solutions getting more popular and making
it easier to create such redundant setups.

We have not delved into layer 3 solutions, such as OSPF, but these should
be helpful as well to add robustness to the Ceph networking backend.

Best regards, Alex

>         Thanks for feedback and regards . Götz

Alex Gorbachev
ceph-users mailing list

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