No documentation that am aware of. The idea is to avoid having multiple RGW 
instances, if there is enough cluster bandwidth that a single RGW instance can 
drive through.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Rosenboom [] 
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 8:58 PM
To: Pavan Rallabhandi
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] FW: RGW performance issue

2015-11-13 5:47 GMT+01:00 Pavan Rallabhandi <>:
> If you are on >=hammer builds, you might want to consider the option 
> of using 'rgw_num_rados_handles', which opens up more handles to the 
> cluster from RGW. This would help in scenarios, where you have enough 
> number of OSDs to drive the cluster bandwidth, which I guess is the case with 
> you.

Is there any documentation on this option other than the source itself? My 
google foo failed to come up with anything except pull requests.

In particular it would be interesting to know what a useful target value would 
be and how to define "enough" OSDs.
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