Hi and thanks at all for this good news, ;)

On 13/10/2015 23:01, Sage Weil wrote:

>    #. Fix the data ownership during the upgrade.  This is the preferred 
> option,
>       but is more work.  The process for each host would be to:
>       #. Upgrade the ceph package.  This creates the ceph user and group.  For
>        example::
>          ceph-deploy install --stable infernalis HOST
>       #. Stop the daemon(s).::
>          service ceph stop           # fedora, centos, rhel, debian
>          stop ceph-all               # ubuntu
>       #. Fix the ownership::
>          chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph
>       #. Restart the daemon(s).::
>          start ceph-all                # ubuntu
>          systemctl start ceph.target   # debian, centos, fedora, rhel

With this (preferred) option, if I understand well, I should
repeat these commands above host-by-host. Personally, my monitors
are hosted in the OSD servers (I have no dedicated monitor server).
So, with this option, I will have osd daemons upgraded before
monitor daemons. Is it a problem?

I ask the question because, during a migration to a new release,
it's generally recommended to upgrade _all_ the monitors before
to upgrade the first osd daemon.

François Lafont
ceph-users mailing list

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